
by Bruce Kasanoff

At some point in your interactions with Bend Reality, I hope you get goosebumps… as reality flickers…. and you experience a deep knowing that the world doesn’t work the way you once thought it did.

Bend Reality is many things. It is…

  • The name of a book I am writing about playing with your abilities to alter reality.

  • A reminder to not be restricted by your limited senses, experiences to date, and previous history.

  • A community of expansive people, some in Bend, Oregon and many others around the world.

  • Something you can already do, if you spend enough time allowing those memories to rise to the surface of your awareness again.

A experimental space

Our goal isn’t to convince ourselves that some crazy theory is true.

Rather, our intention is to engage in a series of experiments to see if we really can bend reality.

Can we take a deeper dive into synchronicity, gentle wishing, flow, deep intuition and other concepts that occur a liminal state in our society? That is, they aren’t fully accepted or fully discredited, so most people don’t take them as seriously as they should.

When I say “experiments”, I don’t mean boring analytical processes that take place in sterile settings. I mean playful endeavors that you try for yourself.