Meditate for Peace

Bruce Kasanoff wrote these words on May 3, 2024:

In my living room hangs this piece of calligraphy created by the late Zen Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh:

I have a literal belief in these words. All the hatred, violence, despair and suffering that exists in the world exists because something in me has not yet healed.

The same truth exists for you, because you and I are not separate.

For too long, I have failed to invest enough time in healing. As a result, the world is suffering needlessly.

I am attempting to change that.

My hope is that you will be one of at least 10,000 people who will join me to meditate daily for peace.

To some, this may sound crazy. No matter.

All that matters is that you believe, and that we find enough other people who believe.

Each of us will meditate in the time, place and manner that works best for us.

I will invite you to share your experiences and insights with me, and I will share your gifts with our community of meditators.

Our sole purpose is to build and nurture a community of peace meditators. We will be on a shared journey to uplift the world. 10,000 of us can do it.


Since that time, over 80,000 people have joined the Meditate for Peace community.

If you haven’t already joined us, you may do so here.


A 2016 study demonstrated that a group meditation of sufficient size can reduce violent crime. The so-called Maharishi Effect suggests that a significant number of people practicing meditation can enhance societal harmony and reduce negative events such as crime and conflict. This hypothesis, grounded in multiple studies, suggests that collective meditation not only benefits individual practitioners but also has a measurable, positive impact on the wider community.

To put this another way, I am tired of complaining about the state of the world, just as I am tired of sometimes feeling agitated and anxious. It is time to be proactive and to form a conscious community that together enhances the state of our world as well as our own well-being.

If this sounds appealing, please subscribe now.


I am connected to all of you. There is no separation between us; I mean that literally.

The goal of this community is to bring more peace to the world, by cultivating peace inside ourselves.

More peace in you = more peace in the world.

Each of us have negative emotions that are stuck within us. Recognize them and release them.

Each of us has picked up negative thoughts and beliefs from others. Recognize them and release them.

Each of us can feel and share love, because that love is already part of our being. Let's focus on doing this.


One possible way to get started might be to use your meditation time to dissolve the idea that you are separate from the rest of us. We are one. Rest with that truth.


In his book, Awareness, Anthony de Mello wrote:

Put this program into action, a thousand times:

(a) Identify the negative feelings in you

(b) Understand that they are in you, not in the world, not in external reality

(c) Do not see them as an essential part of "I" (i.e. who you are); these things come and go

(d) Understand that when you change, everything changes


The more we let go of our negative feelings, the more peace we bring to the world.

I have been beginning my daily meditation with a word of gratitude for you. Your presence is a source of energy and inspiration for me, and I spend a few moments each day being truly thankful for you.